looking for tips?

A different type of fishing that has seen rewards been reaped by many. This forum allows us to learn more about Float and Fly fishing from those who have made it their number 1 way to fish.
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looking for tips?

Post by 1lastcast »

OK I have spent a few trips out fishing for mostly steelhead on mostly small river bodies like Wilmont Creek.

I dont have a long float pole. But im thinking about purchasing a pole soon. I have read that going longer then 10ft is asking for trouble on a small tight river such as the wilmont. As for the float tech. I have used mostly a oval shaped float that is fixed to 6lb test mono no swivel on about 3 - 4 ft lead. I am currantly using a 7ft rod with a spinning real. should i be using a slip type float with this short of rod?

What are you guys using to float fish for steelhead? I can't afford to spend a pile of cash on another rod and reel. Maybe a walmart brand?

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Post by topraider »

7 foot is too short for a steelhead rod.

If you had to have one rod, look for a 10 foot rod, plus or minus a foot, rated for 4-8 lb test line. This will allow you to fish the smaller creeks with a float, or toss a flatfish or a spinner also. A longer rod allows you to use light line and better absorb the fishes runs, and control your line when you want to use a float.

A rod that is too long will cause problems going up and down the creek, and when you want to use lures.

As far as floats are concerned, use pencil type floats in calm waters, and roundish ones in a current. Use the smallest ones you can get away with.

Wilmot is extremely clear (or so I'm told, I've never fished it), so you might even consider clear plastic floats (like a drennan or a small blackbird). The fish see the float coming, and will spook if you are fishing shallow.

I usually fix my float to the line, but I have used slip floats and they work fine, its just harder to get good quality slip floats.

Affordability will obviously guide what you buy, but in my neighborhood (Ottawa) the walmarts don't sell any suitable rods for steelhead fishing, because they wouldn't sell any if they did.
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Post by 1lastcast »

thanks for the info topraider. Im thinking along the lines of a 10ft rod. What would you recomend for a reel? If im going to be spooling up light lines in the 4 - 6lbs range then i should be fine using a small spinning real?

Im planing on making a trip to the Toronto Soortsmen's Show as well as hit bass pro. What would be the bottom price range for a 10ft float rod? I dont want to spend a lot as i only fish steelhead once or twice a year.

again thanks for your help.
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Post by topraider »

I don't know much about prices, the sportsman's show would be a good place to look though, bass pro may have a good house brand, try their on-line catalogue, shop around a bit, maybe you can get a deal, there is always second hand too.

I regular spinning reel should do fine, just make sure the drag works real good.

A 10' rod can be used for crappie too, or whenever small lures lures are used. Its hard to set the hook with larger lures.

Look at the Browning Rods here - looks likeyou can get a 10'6 one for $50

http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog. ... get=browse

I bought four of them here in Ottawa when Fishing Buddies went bankrupt, and I still use them. That was 10 years ago.

Of course, at the show, there might be better deals.

I suggest you talk to a local retailer, like Tightlines in Pickering (they might be at the show), and talk to them - don't let them talk you into buying a 13' rod - that can come later when you have more $$$ - but they can certainly set you up with a starter rod.
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Post by JFish »

Hey there,

I love my browning rod. It's 13ft, maybe a little to big for where u are fishing but it is a must for landing big fish on 4-6lb line with even lighter test leader.

I would recommend using some flouro leader material attached by a swivel. Make sure the weights are above the swivel.

Some people use another swivel above the weights also. I will be doing this this coming season because the weights turn and twist your line in the current. Not good. Also, buy weights with no lips, just completly round.

Hope some of this helps.

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Post by 1lastcast »

I ended up getting a rod from lebarons in Ottawa. Its a 10.6" 2 - 8 lbs test. for around $70. I have Used it twice now. Some times I wish it was longer. But i have never used a longer rod so im not so sure.

Im using a spining reel now with the drag almost off. I find that i like to strip line from the reel and let the float run alittle down stream. I have seen guys doing this with a float fly type reel with ease. Mybe my next purchase?

I landed my first steedlhead yesterday. It was a 8" fish. But its a start.

Thanks for the tips guys. Im off to basspro this weekend. I should be fishing insteed as its cheaper. But at least at basspro I'll be sure to come home with something. wish me luck.
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Post by topraider »

Your next steelhead rod should be a 13'.

If your going to do nothing but floatfish, a longer rod is better.

If you lure fish also, a 13" rod is worse than useless, your 10 foot rod also gives you the option of throwing a spinner or a small flatfish.

My favorite float rod is actually a 11¼' loomis rated from 6-12 lbs, I use it for salmon in August and September. After the salmon are done, the 15' float rod comes out.

Your spinning reel will do for now, but sooner or later you may want a floatreel, although I wouldn't bother if your only going to do this a couple of times a year.
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Sry Topraider.............

I run a quickfish off a 13'6 and a 15'

Spinners yur right on the shorter rod,

1last, pm me or gimmie a buzz 276-4431 I'll help ya out.

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