Paddletales last hurrah

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Paddletales last hurrah

Post by toobinator »

The era of Paddletales is unfortunately coming to an end. Our landlord desperately needs this space, but also understands that this is our lives, so this time around the choice has been ours. We have given a date of July 31 2021 to be closed, cleared out, and gone.

2020 has had challenges for everyone, but it was an incredible year for Paddletales. We hit a sales level that I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams, and I do have some wild ones but it is time. We are comparing this with an aging NHL player whose team has just won the Stanley Cup. There comes a time when it's time to hang them up, and it has arrived.

It really is bittersweet. I have and still do whole heartedly love this business. We have made friends, many many friends through the store, both salespeople and customers, and I know I will miss it all greatly. The flip side is though, Sandie and I will now have the time to reacquaint ourselves with our grandkids and great grandkids. I will be able to fish when I want and for as long I want. We hope to see more of Canada. Ideally, I would keep the store, be open 4 days a week, and have 5 days a week off. If only I could find a 9 day week we wouldn't have to make these choices.

I will say, honestly, both Sandie and I are looking forward to the break. June 1st 2021 will be our 31st anniversary of being self employed in the retail business, starting with a small video store, adding a clothing clearout center, adding fishing tackle in 1997. In 2000 our deal with the clothing store ended and we added dollar store items and an ice cream bar. In 2013 our building changed hands and the front was closed but Paddletales carried on. At the time I thought we would be lucky to last another 3 years without street frontage, but the store thrived. I can say that we never got rich in an monetary sense, but we were enriched beyond compare in relationships. I look forward to fishing with many of you in the years to come.

It has been an incredible ride, and we are so unbelievably fortunate to have met the people that came along with us. I hope somehow to keep in touch with many of you.
When we reopen will be the first step in our closing out journey. We will post details here as well as in a mailing.

With mixed feelings and immense gratitude.

Ed & Sandie
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Re: Paddletales last hurrah


This is very sad news, though good news that you and Sandie can spend more time with family, and that is the most important thing above all. I have many fond memories of visiting the store, and they will last forever. From the bottom of my heart, I truly wish you both nothing but the best and look forward to seeing you on the water and if there is any help needed I am only a message away my friend!

Sincerely all the best Ed and Sandie!

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